About Tinkerlin

Gaming is its own universe. For most, it provides an escape from the hustle-and-bustle of our daily lives and gives us access to places beyond our imaginations at the touch of our finger tips. Everything about it is meant to tailor to our uniqueness and must resonate with us: the genre, the sound, our surroundings.At Tinkerlin we have created a place “Where Anime Meets Gaming”. We offer products to completely personalize and customize your gaming experience.  This means your console, controller, headset, and more could be protected with a unique theme or graphic that you choose. This also carries the elements of the virtual world right into your own actual real space. This improves the overall experience.             Founder and CEO Hecza Pagan decided there may be a better way to integrate the world of Anime and Gaming. She loved DIY (Do It Yourself) projects and kits and this is where Tinkerlin was born."Tinker" because she loved to create solutions (through creative thinking), the "L" came from the initial of her middle name, and then the "-in" for being in love for Gaming and Anime... BOOM! The land of Tinkerlin was born. So here lies a website where fellow aficionados, geeks, and weebs alike can find accessories that make their surroundings reflect and promote an awesome gaming experience!***WARNING: SOME OF THESE ITEMS MIGHT EARN YOU LIFE-LONG BRAGGING RIGHTS. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK. (: